A Dog of a Mayor

The United States has talked about nothing but the election and COVID-19 for far too long.  No matter who you voted for in the presidential election, we can all agree that neither candidate would be a match for the new Mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky.

Wilbur, the dog mayor of Rabbit Hash, KY – Rob Stone Photography

According to NBC, it is a regular occurrence for residents of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky to elect and animal as Mayor. Lucky 6 month old, Wilbur won this year and I am sure he will make sure that the dog parks in his city will be the envy of all others!

Preceding Wilbur, are four other canine politicians. Goofy Borneman, Junior Cochran, Lucy Lou, and Brynneth Pawltro paved the path with for Wilbur with long walk, belly rubs, and face licks. Wilbur definitely gets a howl of approval and has already made the world better with his existence.