Heroes Come in Many Forms

Sometimes a job is just a job. But, try telling that to the head school custodian of a middle school in Hackensack, New Jersey in the face of Hurricane Ida.

Photo by jim gade from Unsplash

According to NPR, an alarm alerted Peter Hemans, who works at Hackensack Middle School, when water began entering the school’s basement. It took Hemans nearly an hour to get to the school because of flooding already in the area. He then spent the entire night at the school, ensuring that their emergency sump pumps were working properly.

Principal Anibal Galiana said, “He said he slept there to make sure the building didn’t flood since school starts next week and the kids need a building to come to.” For Hemans, it was just another day, or, as he humbly put it, “I like to make sure that my job is done…I took it upon myself to get it done.”

The school was extremely thankful and Hemans’ effort paid off. The students were able to return, as planned. “When you see them, especially in the cafeteria, it’s a joy seeing them eating and playing,” he said. “They’re very happy to be back to school rather than being at home.”