Of All the Luck

Many of us like to go outdoors to escape. It’s fun, it’s healthy and it’s great stress relief. But sometimes that stress relief takes an ironic turn for the worse.

Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

According to CBS News, a man by the name of Todd was mountain biking on a trail in Crow Wing County, Minnesota. “It’s a huge stress reliever, just with the nature of my job,” said Todd. While biking, he accidentally fell down a ravine and was seriously injured. “I was starting to see white spots. I’m like, ‘OK, this isn’t cool…This isn’t normal.'”

As luck would have it, an off-duty doctor was also on the trail that day. Medics had already arrived on the scene, but Todd was in critical condition. That’s when Dr. Jesse Coenen happened upon them. Dr. Coenen performed an emergency tracheotomy right there on the trail. Todd was then airlifted to a hospital. The two have since had a chance to meet virtually, where Todd expressed his sincere gratitude.

What could have been a deadly situation, turned into a small miracle and a great story. So, remember, when things get down, just remember that miracles come in many forms; sometimes they even wear bicycle shorts.