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Picture Perfect

Time passes quickly…too quickly. One day you’re graduating from high school and the next you’re trying to figure out when to retire. Stuff happened…

Hope in the Face of Adversity

In life, we all face adversities. Some more than others. Some are within our control, but many are not. In Los Angeles, one woman…

Of All the Luck

Many of us like to go outdoors to escape. It’s fun, it’s healthy and it’s great stress relief. But sometimes that stress relief takes…

Water, Water Everywhere

Anyone that’s ever had the privilege of snorkeling or diving knows what a special place the water can be. It doesn’t matter if it’s…

Antarctic Solar Eclipse

For anyone that’s had the opportunity to see a solar eclipse, they know just how magical it is. Now imagine seeing that at the…

No Goal is too Lofty

We all have aspirations; some big, some small. For a young boy who was blind, that aspiration was to play football. Photo by Tracy…