A Good Reminder on Personal Responsibility

Sometimes it can seem like personal responsibility is a thing of the past. But, one member of parliament in England recently made it a point to remind us that it’s not.

Photo by ivan sellar from Pexels

According to the BBC and the Peterborough Telegraph, Minister Paul Bristow, who represents Peterborough, England was recently caught speeding; travelling 76 mph in a 50 mph zone. Against legal advice, he pleaded guilty; accepting all consequences. This meant paying a roughly $1,129 fine, as well as losing driving privileges for 28 days.

“Only by asking to be disqualified can I look constituents in the eye.”, said Bristow. He added, “How could I campaign for speed cameras or tougher measures on ordinary Peterborough streets, if I asked a court to award me fewer points than my offence normally merits? If I offered excuses?” “I need to be able to campaign about speeding on residential streets without any suggestion of hypocrisy.”

So, remember there are still those out there that make an effort to practice personal responsibility. Certainly, it would be better if we, as people, never did questionable things. But, until we become perfect, this may be the next best thing.