After 10 Year Adventure, Dog Gets Back to His Family

For those of us that have lost a pet, we know how heartbreaking it can be. But sometimes, even after many years, there can be a happy ending. One Arkansas family found out just that.

Photo by Martin Adams from Unsplash

According to Fox News, Razzle, the dog, went missing 10 years ago and was recently reunited with his family after being found 16,000 miles away. Razzle had adventured from Arkansas to California and eventually ended up in a shelter where his microchip helped him get back home.

Jeremy Wade, part of Pilots and Paws, was able to personally fly Razzle home. Razzle had many health issues making Wade worried about the flight but said “It was so wonderful to reach in and lift him out of the crate for [his family] to see him for the first time,”

“Getting Razzle back has meant the world to our family,” said a family member. “We have been overwhelmed with the kindness from all the people who have helped to get him home.”