Babies, Babies Everywhere

We hear of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets often, but what about decuplets?! A woman in South Africa definitely has.

Photo by Gabby Gonzales from Unsplash

According to the BBC, Gosiame Thamara Sithole was told by doctors that she was pregnant with 8 babies but possibly set a new world record giving birth to 10 babies, 5 natural birth and 5 cesarean. Guinness World Records is working to verify.

With a set of twins at home, Sithole gave birth at 29 weeks to 7 boys and 3 girls. With only minor problems during pregnancy, these parents are excited about their new adventure. “It’s seven boys and three girls. I am happy. I am emotional. I can’t talk much”, said her husband Teboho Tsotetsi.