
No One Left Behind

If you’ve ever been left behind or even thought you might be left behind then you know that sinking feeling that comes along with it. Virginia Waller-Torres knows that all too well. She also knows what it feels like to have her prayers answered. According to CBS News, Waller-Torres was driving in Washington D.C. on

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Babies, Babies Everywhere

We hear of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets often, but what about decuplets?! A woman in South Africa definitely has. According to the BBC, Gosiame Thamara Sithole was told by doctors that she was pregnant with 8 babies but possibly set a new world record giving birth to 10 babies, 5 natural birth and 5

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Amazon Teams Up with Red Cross

Amazon is partnering with the Red Cross to create a “Disaster Relief Hub”.  This facility in Georgia is designed to leverage the combined strengths of the Red Cross and Amazon. The Red Cross contributes its knowledge and ability to respond to natural disasters, while Amazon provides its sheer size and logistics capabilities. According to CNN,

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