China Makes Its Mark on Mars

The latest American rover now has company on Mars after several months. China landed their first spacecraft on Mars on May 15th, 2021. After they complete some diagnostic tests over the next few days, the Rover will roll out onto the red planet.

Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS

According to AP News, the Chinese president Xi Jinping expressed his congratulations. He said, “[it’s] an important step in our country’s interplanetary exploration journey, realizing the leap from Earth-moon to the planetary system and leaving the mark of the Chinese on Mars for the first time. … The motherland and people will always remember your outstanding feats!”

The name of the rover, Zhurong, honors the Chinese God of Fire, and it will embark on a 90-day mission to search Mars for any signs of life. It comes equipped with a laser, ground penetrating radar, and sensors to measure the atmospheric and magnetic fields.

So, with the aptly-named Zhurong’s landing on the red planet, China adds another exciting chapter to the ever-evolving space race.