In Need of Help but not Helpless

Many of us have had low points in our life. Times when it doesn’t seem like things can get any worse…then they do. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced and/or kept many folks in that very situation. Yet, true to the human spirit, all over the world, some are finding ways to still help others in their own time of need.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Like Antonio Carlos “Carlinhos” da Silva Costa who, according to NPR, lives in Brazil. He is homeless after his wife recently died from cancer, leaving him unable to afford their modest apartment. He now earns a little bit of money guarding cars on the street as a “flanelinha”. When and how much he gets to eat depends on how much money he has at the moment, often relying on churches and other nonprofits for food. But, even as destitute as that may seem, he still manages to help out others. Recently, he treated himself to a $3 plate of spaghetti, beans and chicken, which the generous vendor sold to him for half price. In turn, he split his treat with a friend, who is also homeless and hungry.

“Carlinhos” is but one example of many who are down, but certainly not out and are hopeful for a better tomorrow. (For even more examples, read the linked NPR article.) It’s a sobering reminder that, no matter how bad or desolate your situation may seem, there are others worse off than you that are still in need of a helping hand, and that helping doesn’t have to stop just because you don’t have a lot to give. Every little bit helps.