Man Gets Kidney Transplant While Awake – Goes Home the Next Day

Kidney transplants are common, but John Nicholas’ surgery was anything but ordinary. The 28-year-old Chicago man received a kidney transplant while fully awake, thanks to a groundbreaking procedure at Northwestern Medicine Hospital.

Photo by Olivier Gerbault from Pexels

According to Fox News, Nicholas underwent the procedure on May 24 and was discharged the very next day. Instead of general anesthesia, doctors used spinal anesthesia, similar to what’s used in C-sections, allowing Nicholas to be awake during the entire surgery. This marks the first time Northwestern Medicine has performed an awake kidney transplant, essentially making it an outpatient procedure.

Dr. Satish Nadig, the transplant surgeon, described the experience as incredible, noting that it was surreal to show Nicholas his new kidney before it was placed inside his body. Nicholas, who was considered an ideal candidate due to his young age and good health, found the experience fascinating and uneventful, despite being fully aware of the procedure.

Nicholas’ kidney issues began at age 16 with a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. His condition worsened, requiring a transplant. His best friend, Pat Wise, donated the kidney that saved his life. This innovative approach could open doors for high-risk patients and those with anesthesia phobias, as Northwestern Medicine plans to establish the AWAKE Program for similar surgeries in the future.