No Goal is too Lofty

We all have aspirations; some big, some small. For a young boy who was blind, that aspiration was to play football.

Photo by Tracy Elford from Pexels

According to CBS News, Jasen Bracy completely lost his sight to retinal cancer by the time he was only 7 years old. He liked sports, but had an affinity for football and wanted to play. His parents, understandably, said “No way!”

So, when he was old enough, Bracy advocated for himself. He started contacting local football teams, until he came across the Modesto Raiders, coached by David Nichols. “The way he was on the phone, I just said, ‘Come on we’ll figure it out,'” said Nichols.

And they did.

Bracy is now the starting quarterback for the Raiders. He’s memorized all of their plays and the players’ positions. His father guides him from the sidelines via radio. He says that his ultimate goal is to make it to the NFL.

So, the next time you think an aspiration is too big, too grand or too hard, remember Jasen.