No One Left Behind

If you’ve ever been left behind or even thought you might be left behind then you know that sinking feeling that comes along with it. Virginia Waller-Torres knows that all too well. She also knows what it feels like to have her prayers answered.

Photo by jim gade from Unsplash

According to CBS News, Waller-Torres was driving in Washington D.C. on what was predicted to be a clear, September day. Instead, she wound up driving into a flash flood that ripped off her license plate and stopped her car dead in its tracks. “It was scary,” she said. “I thought I could die.” So, she started praying.

Only a minute or so had passed before she received the answer she’d prayed for. A group of Marines in full dress marched towards her car in knee-deep water. “For a second it was like, is this real?” she said. “So I had to take my phone out and start recording it.” Those Marines, known officially as the Body Bearers, worked together to extract Waller-Torres and her car from the water.

Afterward, the Body Bearers were reluctant to give an interview regarding the incident, but eventually relented. “The more I thought about it, I was like, this is kind of like a platform to tell people to be the one to get out of your car. That’s gotta be the takeaway,” said Corporal Matthew Bouchard. We can’t think of a better sentiment.