Pizza Hut Gets Edgy with Nostalgia

Back in my day we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways to get pizza! Well, maybe that is an exaggeration but Pizza Hut has brought back some nostalgic pizza that may be worth that trek!

Photo by Sydney Troxell from Pexels

The Edge pizza variety is made on a cracker-thin crust and covered edge to edge in toppings with no crust. Yahoo News explains that it will be available in The Ultimate, The Carnivore, The Vegetarian, and Pepperoni Lovers.

Pizza Hut is hoping that bring back some old menu items will bring in new customers. Other restaurants have been successful with the same strategy: McDonald’s and the McRib and HiC Orange, Taco Bell and the Quesalupa, and Burger King with their French Toast Sandwich.