Teach an Old Fish New Tricks

Do you have the memory of a goldfish? Then you’re in luck. As it turns out, they’re not quite as absent minded as you might think. In fact, they’re pretty clever.

Photo by DEAR from Unsplash

According to The Washington Post, some Israeli scientists have proven that not only can goldfish remember, they can be taught complex tasks, also. One of those tasks was driving a fish tank. You read that correctly.

To perform the experiment, the scientists built a bespoke fish tank on wheels, using cameras to detect the fish’s movement to know how to steer the “car”. Using this setup, not only did the fish learn to do it, they did it well. One of the study’s authors, Shachar Givon, said “It shows that goldfish have the cognitive ability to learn a complex task in an environment completely unlike the one they evolved in.”

So, the next time someone tells you you have the memory of a goldfish, thank them for the compliment.